By using this site, you agree that GGallery srl, the site webmaster, may send cookies to your computer or mobile device.

What cookies are

Cookies are small text files stored on your computer via a web browser. They have been used since the mid-1990s and are one of the most widely used technologies on the Internet. Many essential website functions rely on cookies. For example, online shopping wouldn’t be possible without them, as they track what you place in your shopping cart.

Cookies do not collect any personal information and cannot harm your computer, tablet, or phone.

They are designed to help the website function better and assist site operators in understanding which information is most useful to visitors.

Some types of cookies allow the storage of the user’s browsing preferences and, therefore, send them advertisements tailored to their interests.

Types of cookies

Cookies are generally divided into two categories: first-party cookies (generated by the site) and third-party cookies (generated by partners). In both cases, these cookies do not collect or send any personal information about you, but they enable essential features or useful services.

Cookies can also be categorized as:

Technical cookies: Used by the site manager to ensure the correct operation of certain functionalities (session cookies, for example, allow access to any restricted areas, manage an e-commerce cart, etc.) or to collect aggregated data on site browsing habits (number of users, most viewed pages, usage time, etc.). These cookies do not allow user identification but are processed in aggregated and anonymous form.

The installation of technical cookies does not require prior consent from users, but there is always a requirement to inform them about their collection.

Profiling cookies: These create profiles related to the user to present advertising messages aligned with their preferences (as derived from their browsing habits). Installing this type of cookie requires user consent.

Cookies used on this site

This site uses only technical cookies. No personal information about users is retained.

Managing cookies

Most popular browsers allow you to manage cookies. You can accept or reject all cookies, or only specific types.

What happens if you reject all cookies

You can still use parts of the website, including many pages containing information. However, some sections may not function properly.

How to manage cookies in different browsers

Visit the links below to find information on how to manage cookies in the major browsers.

PC and/or Mac:
– Internet Explorer
– Firefox
– Chrome
– Safari

Mobile devices:
– Safari iOS
– Android
– Blackberry (various Blackberry devices have different instructions, but you can find them in the different Blackberry manuals accessible through the link).

If you use a browser not listed here, refer to the browser documentation.

I don’t know which browser I have or which version. How do I find out?

PC: Open your browser and click ‘Help’ in the top menu. Then select ‘Version’. A window with the desired information should appear.
Mac: Open your browser and click the name of the browser at the top (e.g., Safari or Firefox). Then click on ‘Version’. A window with the desired information should appear.
Mobile: Check the name of the application you use to browse the Internet.

Further information on managing cookies is a useful resource that provides detailed information on cookies and their management.